Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Things For Which I am Grateful

Many have tried to express it in words, some have gone the extra mile to demonstrate how far they can go to prove their love for a friend, spouse or relative, but I have found a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

"Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man, though perhaps for a noble and lovable and generous benefactor someone might even dare to die," but I have found love when I was not looking for love, when I was no better than a rebel.

I have found him that did not ask for my life, but first gave me his as a demonstration of love. Only in his life did I find life. Life began to make sense after I received his life. I am now so overwhelmed I can give my life, having found true love. This is the love of God demonstrated to me when he asked Jesus to take my place.

He asked him to be Sin, so I can be declared Saint, he made him guilty while I was discharged and acquitted of long-standing charges. I am thankful for the love of Christ in me.

I am thankful for the wisdom I have received to skillfully combine letters into words; a well of inspiration many can constantly draw from with the assurance that they will find a word tailored for every season, words that free them from the shackles of mediocrity and impossibility.

I thankful I have in my circle men on whose backs I have ridden these past years. Those through whose eyes I have seen the different shades of our world. I have been privileged to meet great men who have challenged what I deemed success as just the beginning of another phase if I would dare to push myself beyond borders.

I have noticed with awe how God places me in the right place per time. From my encounters with men - both short-term and those that lasted for years, I have built lifelong relationships that are yielding excellent fruits. I have someone to talk to every time a new situation arises that confounds my experience.

Issues ranging from choices, purpose, talent development and many more have been addressed by men and women whose lives, words are inadequate to describe.

I am indeed grateful for my family. The warmth I experience during times spent with these ones leave me nostalgic every time I'm away. Imagine having someone who will go any mile just to get you what you want, even if it is not comfortable. That will describe who I have as my mother.

Her selflessness, industry and aura that constantly oozes sometimes  leaves me feeling...'do I really deserve love this much', so much that I question if I will be able to go this length for anyone else. She has done all that is practicable under heaven to provide me with the very best within her capacity.

Finally, I am grateful for the many books, articles, quotes and words churned out by  men, most of whom cannot quantify the reach of their efforts. I read from such men in the corners of my room thousands of miles away from where they are. Thank you for not keeping those words to yourself. You are a blessing to our world!

Scripture quoted from Romans 5:7 (Amplified Version)

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