Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Don't End Up A Mediocrity (1)

Mediocrity simply connotes the quality of being average or ordinary. The word has Latin parts that together literally mean "halfway up the mountain" ( This simple yet powerful definition brings lots of applications of the word to the fore. A student who just wants a pass - a narrow escape from 'fail' or 'let my people go' as it is commonly said in Nigeria, a business man who just wants to turnover - make enough to offset cost of employing staff and other expenditures. These and many more are the typical examples of people who want to get halfway up the ladder of success. You stay around them for too long and you are bound to hear words like, 'at least I tried', 'I almost.., but...', 'It's not my fault, if not for...'

A mediocrity does not set goals. At best, he sets goals that are below par. He sees others as his yardstick for measuring success, based on metrics dictated by them. History is replete with men who defied the odds to write their name in gold, but who ever remembers a mediocrity? The following are behaviours and attitudes that suggest you might end up mediocre.

Mindset - Lack of Mental Transition
A mediocrity cannot get to the peak of the 'mountain' because deep down in his mind, he has not decided to get there. He sees himself as average, second-class, never able to measure up and perpetually disadvantaged. In other words, a mediocrity suffers from low self-esteem. He has not made that mental transition that he can achieve success. This is important and the first step of conquering mediocre mindset because, first, you have to recognise the fact that you have not decided to be successful. Though difficult to believe, it is true to say that not every one decides (or has decided) to be successful (in this context - to get to the peak or demonstrate excellence) in whatever endeavor they venture (or have ventured into).

Therefore, you have to consciously decide to be above average or settle for less. Yes, you might not always meet your expectations, but your reaction to a failure or an outcome short of your expectation gives strong indications whether or not you are mediocre. If you sit back to exonerate yourself and are comfortable with your poor performance, you are a mediocrity, but if you choose to inquire into why you achieved those results short of your mark, learn from them, you then make deliberate effort to improve on your performance, you are on your way to the peak!

Dependence Mentality
This is way of thinking that suggests to you that you have to depend on someone or a group to attain your goals. This is not to downplay the importance of mentors, colleagues and friends who will be instrumental to our success, same way other factors beyond our control -  government policies, economic condition and other restrictions - can seriously affect business, career and other ventures. Dependence mentality however forces you into thinking and admitting that you can not achieve your goals without the existence of someone else, mostly your parent or whoever you think should be responsible for you. Mediocrities do not take responsibility for their lives, they blame their parents for not sending them to top schools, for not buying them a car at 18, for not using their connection to get them a job at graduation or providing seed capital for starting their business.

You cannot afford to settle for mediocrity. See more indicators of mediocrity in my next post!

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