Thursday, 30 March 2017

What's Your Excuse?

Image Credit:

These days, I find many obstacles in the way of executing some of my plans, desires and goals.

I can give you many reasons why I can not take that online course because I am working. I spend my productive hours at work and get home very tired most of the time.

I can not learn programming or web app development because I have never written a line of code. All the platforms from which I can learn online require me to commit as long as 8 hours per week. Weekends would have been a good time but I also go to work on Saturdays even though I leave much earlier compared to other days in the week.

I can not study and pray every morning because I have to wake up very early if I must catch the staff bus. Remember, I have to prepare breakfast. I also  cannot afford to leave my room in a mess!

Don't expect me to fast! Do you know how much energy I expend at work? If you have ever worked in a factory, you will readily understand that the noise and heat generated are enough to leave you lethargic after few hours. Yet you want me to stay without food from morning to evening? No way!

I want to start a small business as a side hustle. I am not sure I will be able to meet all of my needs and live a more comfortable life if I continue earning this low on my current job.

You know what? I need a grant or at worst, a loan. The power situation in my flat is so bad, in fact, it is country-wide. Yet, I need to power my laptop so I can write and submit the business plan in the next available application for entrepreneurs seeking funding.
Image Credit:
These and many more are reasons why I might never make any move at all because my eyes are fixed on the impediments.

Usually, we think everyone who has made a mark or achieved whatever goal had all things in his favour. How deceptive! It's easy to think; so and so place does not lack electricity, internet connection and a host of other things that make life comfortable. We remain oblivious of their challenges.

How about the temptation of staying online all day, spending quality time on irrelevant stuff, or playing video games because there is constant power supply, the tendency to spend countless hours on social media following the latest rumours and news that gives just information without knowledge?

If you must achieve your goals, you must look beyond those roadblocks. Don't give excuses! You will achieve nothing by doing so.

Contribute those few minutes, hours and days to that big dream.  Sure, it will take time, but you must start now! Let those few chances you have contribute to a line of code, another sentence of that article on your mind, a page of that business plan!

Make every moment count!

Stop giving excuses.

Friday, 10 March 2017

What Happened to The Naira?

I still remember clearly where mum drops the two pieces of coins (Two Naira) for each of us kids so we can buy Sugar and Groundnut for our 'lunch'. Gradually, I noticed it became four coins each, later Five Naira notes, and the rest is history. I am not sure what the five Naira note can buy in the present day Nigeria.

In my short life, I have seen the Naira experience staggering decline in value. Just about a month ago, it got so bad a Thousand Dollars was worth half a Million Naira!

More bothering is the fact that the Naira is also very dependent on the Dollar. Lamido Sanusi, Former CBN Governor - now Emir of Kano - once said Nigeria is the country with the largest Dollar imports. The way the Dollar is referenced in Nigeria leaves me wondering what our official currency really is, Naira or Dollar? It will not be out of place to think that the country with the most Dollars in circulation apart from the US is Nigeria.
Photo Credit: Nigerian Tribune

Dollar increase affects the price of everything from mobile phones, electronics, wheat, sachet water, rice and even common foods like Garri (cassava flour) and palm oil. Do we also import these too?

This only shows how well we have built our economy around importation, especially of the Dollar! Our politicians are also known to cart away plenty of this foreign currency so they can spend during elections, or should we say, save for their generation yet unborn. What other reason will explain why a single individual would have more than  9 Million Dollars Cash! In the same country where the Dollar is in so scarce supply, so much so the margin between the official and parallel market rates is sadly expansive.

The solution however, stare us in the face, everyday. We must consciously develop the local economy. An economy not dependent on others for everything it consumes. Below are points we should give serious consideration:

1. Agriculture
Government must aggressively develop the agricultural sector. There is no doubt Nigeria is capable of producing - in substantial quantities - the staple foods most consumed in the nation; rice, beans, wheat(for bread), cassava and yam. As a result, government must support local farmers with improved seeds, fertilizers, latest technology, soft loans and the education needed to achieve good yield.

More partnerships - like the Lagos-Kebbi partnership for rice production must be encouraged. Government must also be prepared to subsidize the produce (at the early stage) so the farmers do not have to compete with imported produces before they begin to enjoy economies of scale.

2. Infrastructural Development
Government must urgently develop basic infrastructures. For example, Nigerians still depend on imported generators to provide their own power. Most surviving industries also spend a great deal just so they can run 24hrs uninterrupted, on diesel generators.

Therefore, a move at providing stable electricity will greatly boost investor confidence and those of Nigerians who are interested in starting cottage industries.

Considerable funding in the health sector, aimed at building ultramodern hospitals and provision of adequate world-class facilities at existing hospitals will also discourage health tourism. Countless Nigerians spend bogus amounts - not because most can afford it - on medical treatments outside the country. Only until our hospitals and other medical outfits are made competitive with those in other climes will people begin to entrust their health (invariably, their life) to local medical personnel, since the issue is not a dearth of competent and trained personnel but of outdated and inadequate facilities.

The nation's refineries must also be made fully functional. We will retain more money in the economy if the crude is majorly refined locally. The byproducts from crude oil - wax, bitumen, kerosene and much more will serve as raw materials for other indutries thereby creating more jobs. Functional refineries will also eliminate the need for subsidies which Nigeria pays to import oil products.

We could go on and on citing industries/sectors - say, transportation, tourism and housing - that could open up more businesses, create more jobs and ultimately boost the economy if fully developed.

3. Buy Made in Nigeria
This has become inevitable and can only be achieved by concerted efforts from both the citizens (consumers) and the government. Strict measures must be enforced at the borders to avoid proliferation of imported products, mostly substandard, that compete with those made in Nigeria. Heavy duties must be placed on products that can equally be produced in substantial quantities in the local economy, same for luxury items.

Nigerians must begin to buy locally made products - shoes, clothes, rice, poultry and other consumer goods. The little improvements made in producing these goods, year-in, year-out will lead to standardization, until we are able to meet local consumption and then move on to exportation, since nobody will buy substandard products or food items with poor packaging or questionable hygiene.

4. Diversified Economy
The Nigerian economy is largely dependent on the oil and gas sector. This leaves the economy subject to the boom and burst cycles that determine oil prices.

We must develop other key sectors that drive our economy. Agriculture (as stated above), mining, manufacturing, transportation and  technology if given more focused attention are able to open up numerous opportunities for business and employment, thereby attracting investors. A robust public - private partnership will make this quickly achievable, as government can not do it alone.

The above will not be possible unless there are favourable policies which the  government must demonstrate strong will to enforce.

This is how the Naira can regain its lost value and the economy less dependent on Dollar availability or scarcity.